Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Help Stop Illegal Cosmetic Surgery

I just totally flaked on this blog, AND I'M SORRY FOR THAT!!!  I really wanted to try and keep up with this thing but life just got in the way i guess.  Anyway i won't bore you with the mundane stuff about why i have been busy lately... (unless you really wanna know?)

The reason why I came back to post was due to amount of illegal cosmetic surgery that still goes on here in this country.  If you are going to do any type of plastic surgery, please, please, PLEASE go with a New Jersey board certified plastic surgeon.

I saw a headline in the New Jersey Herald today about a poor lady who tried to get a butt implant or buttock lift or something like that from someone who was not a doctor and ended up dying from it.

Apparently the silicone like substance that this non-doctor, non-plastic surgeon injected into her butt caused severe blood clots in her lungs... and when you get blood clots it's very serious.  Especially if you get blood clots in your lungs it's almost for sure that you will probably die from it.

Sad, sad, sad event that could have easily been avoided.  Just say no to illegal plastic surgery and no to non-licensed medical people.  It's just not worth it.