Monday, July 15, 2013

Palm Plastic Surgery in Japan

I just saw this and had to let you guys know!  Plastic surgery has officially reached new heights, LOL.  This is for real, people in Japan are now attempting to change their fate with palm plastic surgery.  Isn't that crazy?

Japanese people doing this are asking plastic surgeons to extend or create lines in their hands that people believe tell the story of how their lives will go, how long they will live, etc...  The article says that the cost is only about $1,000 converted to Japanese Yen though.

And don't mistake this for hand surgery because it is not.  It is simply cosmetic lines being created or enhanced in the palm for "hand reading," etc...  all in the name of luck.

The surgeon performing these procedures when asked himself said, "If people think they'll be lucky, sometimes they become lucky,"  "and it's not like the palm lines are really written in stone - they're basically wrinkles."

What do you guys think?