Monday, July 30, 2012

Boobs and Hearts in NJ

Sounds like the name of a cheesy Jersey love song, huh?  Boobs and hearts.  Well it's not.  When researching breast augmentation you will come across a tidbit of information that inexplicably links the breasts with your heart health.

Wouldn't that be something if getting big boobs was actually good for your heart and vigorous exercise was not?  I'm not going to specifically say that because, hey i'm no doctor but i did come across an article describing how exercise can cause heart damage.  Yeah!  So now no reason to continue exercising, right?  WRONG! You don't want to be fat do you?

Anyway back to the point.  Healthy boobs can help your heart health, it's a fact.  So there's another reason in favor of getting big ta ta's ;-)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Other Plastic Surgery Procedures You May Be Interested In

Ok back to business here.  Breast augmentation is a big procedure.  Lots of women want it, it is one of the most noticeable procedures you can have done (yes even more noticeable then anything done to your face...) and is the most common procedure performed in the U.S. according to what i read on the American Society of Plastic Surgery.  So we all know it's a biggy, but what else is there?  What else can you get done?

Liposuction, Tummy Tuck and Facial Surgery

Plastic Surgery New Jersey

I'd say liposuction is probably the next most important to us girls.  Who wouldn't want to spot reduce fat in those areas where it just doesn't seem to come off?  I go to the gym religiously, always watch what i eat and yet little 'pockets' of fat used to be something i just had to deal with.  Not anymore!  I lipo'd away those suckers and never looked back.  Love it!

Tummy tuck is important after you are done having children.  Actually i heard that there is a package type deal that is referred to as a Mommy Makeover that combines tummy tuck, lipo, breast lift and vaginal rejuvenation (eww...) all at the same time.  Sounds amazing but i bet there's quite a hangover after that surgery... ouchy.

Finally, facial surgery is common and can have a big impact.  Especially if you have a big nose, weak chin or just unhappy with your face.  Older women can make a splash with facelift surgery and turn back the clock a bit.

Hopefully, this helps put my preferences out there for you all a bit.  Are you getting excited for more info on my search for plastic surgeons yet?  You should be!!  LOL

Talk soon:-)


Monday, July 16, 2012

You, Me and Dupree & My Life

Ever seen that one?  Sometimes i swear i feel like Dupree in everyday life and maybe, just maybe I will end up as a motivational speaker like he did... even after all the shenanigans.

I know this blog is supposed to be about plastic surgery and not movies or Owen Wilson but that's how i live... i compare myself and what i'm going through to stupid hollywood fluff.  Yes, i said it so deal with it.

Dumb Movies & Plastic Surgery

My Dupree'ness comes in many ways but as I started this blog I realized that I kind of just feel like Owen Wilson's character Dupree explaining my surgery, searching for great plastic surgeons and trying to fight the stigma of actually getting plastic surgery.

I've emailed a few of my friends my blog link and for some reason they all act like i'm Heidi Montag or something?  Not cool.  What's even worse is how some people will make you feel when you try and include them on your life and what you are up to.

And yes, i just wanted a reason to talk about a cheesy old movie that i love <3  If you haven't see the movie check it out.  Promise I'll post more about plastic surgery next time for ya!

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Plastic Surgery Experience

Well, what can i say?  You wanted to know what plastic surgery was like... what the experience of it all is didn't you?

I know I talk about breast augmentation alot and there is more to plastic surgery than just breast surgery but it's the first thing most girls do...


Are you considering a breast augmentation now...?  LOL

Let me know.


Thursday, July 12, 2012

What Does Board Certified Really Mean With Plastic Surgery?

As I started shopping for my plastic surgery I kept hearing various plastic surgeons in New Jersey making the claim that they are, 'board certified' but I didn't really know what it was or what it meant to a potential plastic surgery patient like myself.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeons

From what I have found out it means that they have achieved certification from the board of a professional association of highly specialized doctors.  In most cases this board requires a series of examinations and tests along with relevant coursework.  It means that they have a standard minimum level of proficiency in this specialized area of medicine.  But most are experts.

Should You Consider a Plastic Surgeon Who is Not Board Certified?

The short answer, no way.  Why would you go to a doctor who has not demonstrated any effort, time or resources into joining a professional association of specialists?  If they intend to practice within this specialty I feel like they should invest in it with their resources.  If they don't then it tells me something about their level of commitment to learning and to being knowledgeable of all of the most current advances in medicine. 

So now you know that i definitely wouldn't consider a doctor who is not board certified... take a peek at the reasons i found why you WOULD want to choose a board certified plastic surgeon.

Anyway, hope this was helpful...  have a good weekend!


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My Guido Breasts, LOL

Ok.  So I've been getting a lot of questions here at the blog.  I'll list out some of the questions received and maybe answer some of them ;-)

  • Have you actually had your breast augmentation yet or are you just talking about it?
  • Is it just breast augmentation or do you have experience with other types of plastic surgery?
  • Are New Jersey plastic surgeons different from other types of plastic surgeons in the U.S.
  • Why are you doing this?
  • Are you going to post pictures of your breasts?
That last question is what inspired the name of this post... "My Guido Breasts."  Because I live in NJ and apparently someone wants to see my boobs.  Now, rather than answer each question individually I'll write a general response...

The Skinny on this Guinea... 

Yes I have had some 'work' done but i'm not yet ready to reveal what type of plastic surgery I have had just yet.  What I can tell you is that I WILL BE POSTING my pics here at some point so stay tuned.

I will also say that I am interested in every type of plastic surgery... actually I will restate that, I am obsessed with plastic surgery and this is my outlet to talk about it, connect with others about it and show off my bod a bit; that's it.

As always, stay tuned..

Saturday, July 7, 2012

When I Knew I Wanted Breast Augmentation (at the Jersey Shore)

There a few things that really got me initially thinking that i wanted a breast augmentation.  One of them being the very first time i went to the Jersey shore (when I was a young underdeveloped girl) and saw all of those beautiful Jersey girls in bikini tops looking like real women with beautiful breasts.  At that point in my life I was really wanting to grow up and I just focused on my body and wanting it to "grow up" too.

Yes!  The Jersey Shore Made Me Want A Breast Augmentation

I realize that other women get breast aug's because maybe one breast is smaller than the other, or maybe they have super small breasts, or maybe it was a gift for their husbands or something.  But not me... I really first knew i wanted one because of the Jersey shore during my youth.

So what am i going to do about it you may ask?  As I said in my introductory post, I'm going to be describing my surgery here, describing my breast augmentation doctor and letting you know how I made my selection and how it went.

This is just a teaser, Stay tuned for more!

My First Post About Plastic Surgery in New Jersey

Welcome to my first post!  It's here that I have decided to chronicle my experiences with New Jersey plastic surgery through personal experience as well as my opinions on various NJ plastic surgeons, even those that I do not have surgery with.  How will I provide an opinion on plastic surgeons that I don't go through surgery with?  Consultations, phone calls, other patient feedback, etc... 

I guess I just decided to go on a mission to find the best practice here in the Garden State with state of the art technologies and procedures for patients who love remarkable, natural looking results.

Overall I'm not quite sure where this blog will take me.  I'm sure I'll be posting some of my own before and after plastic surgery photos and maybe just venting a little bit.  We'll see :-)  Whatever I choose to write about though I promise to keep it informative, accurate and entertaining.  Thanks for tuning in.
