Monday, January 6, 2014

What you need to know about breast augmentation

If you've been following my blog for any length of time you know that I'm a BIG (wink, wink) fan of breasts and getting them uhum..  augmented.  I like mine big.

It's comforting to know that I'm not alone.  Last year (actually in 2012 now that we are in the new year) over 350,000 women chose to join me in enlarging their breasts and you'd be surprised to know that it is not just actresses and models.  Most are every day women who just want to enhance their natural assets.  Fox Health News recently ran a piece outlining everything you need to know about breast augmentation but I'm not going to link it here because honestly to me it looks like a plastic surgeon simply got himself a PR person and they got an article of his (designed to promote a blog) placed onto Fox News.

But i digress...  my original point is that breast augmentation is becoming more mainstream, more widely chosen by women of all walks of life and something that can make you feel better about your self image, your body and the way your clothes fit.  If you're considering it, get more information and don't let the stigma get to you because it's quickly going away!

Ciao my little love birds!